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Filter LPR Freewell for DJI Mavic 3 Classic



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Descriere Filter LPR Freewell for DJI Mavic 3 Classic de la Freewell

LPR Freewell Filter for DJI Mavic 3 Classic

The LPR Freewell filter is the perfect accessory for the DJI Mavic 3 Classic drone for anyone who wants to get the best quality when taking photos and videos at night! The filter reduces light pollution caused by artificial light emissions - a particularly useful accessory in areas with intense urban lighting. Thanks to it, you can easily capture the stars in the sky, the Milky Way or the aurora borealis! It is made using high-quality German optical glass, which is characterized by exceptional wear resistance.


GimbalSafe technology

Are you worried that the filters will negatively affect the dynamics of flight? Don't be! The filters have been designed with the DJI Mavic 3 Classic in mind and have undergone a number of tests that confirm their safe use. The frames of the filters are extremely lightweight, so they do not disturb the balance of the device. Fly freely and create exceptional photos with Freewell!


High quality workmanship

Mounting the filter on the lens of the DJI Mavic 3 Classic drone is a quick and hassle-free procedure that requires no specialized skills or additional tools. Thanks to its precise design, the filter fits perfectly on the lens, ensuring a secure and stable attachment. Made of high-quality German optical glass, the filter guarantees not only excellent image quality, but also exceptional durability and resistance to mechanical damage. Thus, you can be sure that the filter will serve them for a long time, regardless of the operating conditions.


Compatibility DJI Mavic 3 Classic
Weight2,7 g

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