Luni - Vineri 9:00 - 18:00

Filters Freewell Bright Day for DJI Air 3 (4-Pack)



Cod intern: #2758528

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355,99 lei TVA inclus

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Cost livrare in Bucuresti: Gratuita
Cost livrare in tara: 19,90 lei (Livrare gratuita in tara pentru comenzile de peste 499,00 lei)

Descriere Filters Freewell Bright Day for DJI Air 3 (4-Pack) de la Freewell

Filters Freewell Bright Day Pro for DJI Air 3 (4-Pack)

The Freewell Bright Day filters are the perfect solution for owners of DJI Air 3 drones who want to achieve excellent photos and videos in various lighting conditions. The set includes four filters: ND8/PL, ND16/PL, ND32/PL, and ND64/PL, which ensure excellent image quality even in strong sunlight. ND/PL filters combine the features of ND (neutral density) and PL (polarizing) filters. ND filters allow you to control the amount of light reaching the camera sensor, enabling you to create a blur effect for moving objects, while PL filters eliminate reflections and enhance color saturation. By combining these features, Freewell Bright Day filters provide excellent image quality in all lighting conditions.


Included in the set

  • Filters (ND8/PL, ND16/PL, ND32/PL, ND64/PL)
  • Case
Compatible withDJI Air 3
Optical coatingsDust-proof, scratch-resistant, oil-resistant

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